Handicapable Black Woman
I have over 150 episodes on Youtube! 90% are new and different from the main podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5koX0stO4s6wE0UVtTp_mA
I will have new episodes almost everyday at 2:22pm your time and I have so many screenshots of dating nightmares, bigots, haters, catfish, racism and so much more.
I have so much to work on and announce for the year 2025, including my greeting card line, gray sheep society (check out YouTube for more on that), my novels and children's books and much more ( I am motivated and determined and you should be too!).
The Handicapable Black Woman will tell stories about life, jobs, dating, doctors/the health industry, police, politics and everything else from a perspective that is not normally heard. I am a triple threat to being a POC, female with a disability. I will give laughs, sadness but no tears, anger and emotions (well maybe sometimes). I don't know how to put words to in order to inspire and learn from my experiences. Intro from Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.orghttps:// linktr.ee/handicapableblackwoman You can find my social media goodreads, amazon for all of my books and more.https://linktr.ee/handicapableblackwoman https://www.amazon.com/stores/Stelanie-Marshall/author/B0B64F3WDY?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Handicapable Black Woman
IVF vs Disability vs Republicans vs Life Part 1
While Women's rights are slowly being stolen from us there are so many contradictions and lies that keep being told. There are always two sides to a story and page but when it comes to having a disability, and wanting kids, and being religous I continuously hear contradictions and vile statements that if you slide them together would never be able to fit in the same puzzle and both would probably fit in a puzzle with the image of Hell.